After getting the Raspberry Pi 4 running with LinuxCNC and talking to the Mesa 7i76e board, it was time to wire up the inputs and outputs and configure LinuxCNC for them.
I added disconnects to all the wiring coming from the CNC machine. These will mate with either the new electronics box or the previous Gecko G540 and PC setup. Then I ran wiring internally from the electronics box disconnects to the Mesa 7i76e inputs and outputs. I am documenting all of the connections and will publish it soon.
I am currently using inputs for combination home/limit switches on each axis and the emergency stop switch. Outputs are setup for controlling compressed air and the solid state laser. Compressed air is used for laser assist, chip evacuation, and mist coolant. More inputs and outputs will be wired up later.
For now, I’ve written up the steps I took to configure LinuxCNC 2.8 for the Torsion CNC Router, using Leadshine Drivers and Mesa 7i76e board.